Sunday, December 2, 2007

Christmas is in the Air

Merry Christmas everyone! James & had fun yesterday putting up our Christmas tree and the rest of our apartment decorations. It did take a few hours to complete the popcorn string that we borrowed from James' family traditions. But we finished it together and it looks great on the tree. Another tradition that we began when we got married was the collection of Christmas ornaments. We have tried buying an ornament on different trips we take or for special occassions. We're still trying to find the perfect "expecting parents" ornament, so we don't have that one yet. :) But we did include some pictures of other ornaments we have collected this year.

Have a happy holiday season everyone! We love you all!



Anonymous said...

very cute tree!

Chad and Kristen said...

I love it!! We are ornament people too! Chads mom has given him an ornament for every year of his life, and has carried that tradition on with me and our kids! Its fun puting them up on the tree each year! We have no passed on that tradition to our kids as well, so our tree is full of our special ornaments and almost no bulbs...its so much more special for us!! Very cute...I love the popcorn string idea...have always wanted to do it....maybe once the kids are a little older!!

The A.Wahls said...

Cute decorations! What fun traditions. You two sound like such excited "parents-to-be," Happy Holidays to you all!