Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I'm IT!!!

I've been tagged by pretty much everyone I know that blogs, so here goes:

Five things on my "to do" list this week:
1. The usual: laundry, dishes, clean up our trash... blah!
2. Watch Stargate episodes with my hubby (I made him watch Friends)
3. Work 6 days at the hotel
4. Watch my baby boy grow every single day
5. Finally hang up our pictures in the living room

Five snacks I enjoy:
1. Quaker Mini Delights... they are GOOD!
2. Popcorn with LOTS of butter
3. Mountain Dew (I just can't hide it anymore! Yes, I drink it!)
4. Cheetos
5. Anything sweet!

Five things I would do if I suddenly became a billionaire:
1. Pay off our debt and our loved ones' debt.
2. Build a house on Lake Coeur d' Alene, Idaho so we can be closer to James' family. But what the heck, with a billion dollars we would buy lots of houses!
3. Travel the world. Just when I thought I had seen everything, I'd do it all again!
4. Build my mom her dream home! (And a Home Depot gift card so she could still change it when she gets bored. Love you Mom!)
5. Go back to school and finally get my degree!

Five places I've lived:
1. Phoenix, Arizona
2. West Jordan, Utah.
3. Cedar City, Utah
4. Kanab, Utah
5. Salt Lake City, Utah

Five jobs I've had:
1. Discover Card
2. Advanta Bank
3. Holiday Inn Express (with my sweetheart!)
4. Primary Children's Hospital
5. MOM :)

Five things people may not know about me:
1. I actually enjoy living in Kanab!
2. I love my son so much, I can't wait to have another baby!
3. We used to perm my hair when I was little... but I don't know why since I have naturally curly hair.
4. I actually enjoy working on our budget. (As long as we have the money to pay all the bills)
5. Like my sister, I am a grammar nut! I can't help but correct misspellings and punctuation errors in my head when I read something.

Five favorite musicians / bands:
1. Barenaked Ladies!
2. Carrie Underwood
3. Rascal Flatts
4. Nickelback
5. Anything that makes me dance!

Five tagged friends:
1. Anyone that hasn't already done it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keri, you're such a joy. It's fun to learn more about your likes. I love you!