Saturday, February 14, 2009

Las Vegas Trip

Hello all. I know it has been awhile since we've written much. So I thought I would at least post a few pictures of our January trip to Las Vegas with my parents. It was a fast getaway, but very fun! David enjoyed the nighttime shows and all the music. Here are a few pics...


Chris & Courtney said...

Your dad makes me laugh! He reminds me so much of my dad, it's not even funny. I just love those two brothers :)

Jill and Ryan said...

Hey Keri, This is Jill Coil(Wyner) from high school. I found your blog through Krin's blog and wanted to say hi. Hope all is well. Your family is adorable.

Chad and Kristen said...

How fun!!!! I'm a bit jealous!!! I can't wait to hear about your house and see your pictures!!!

Justin said...

At one point I actually thought you guys went to Paris, France. Hahaha :)