Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Hello all! I know it has been quite a while since my last post. Sorry. This pregnancy just swept me up and carried me away for a few months. I'm back now and so happy to write about David and Steven's new hobby... Kindermusik! I found this great class in town that the boys just love. Steven's class is a mommy & child class for 18 months-3 year olds. We go once a week for an hour and just have a ball. Steven gets to play instruments, we dance and listen to animal noises. By the end, he is so exhausted, he goes straight to sleep when we get home. (Which gets an A+ from Mommy!) David's class is a kid-only class for 3-5 year olds. I was a little nervous to see how he would listen to his teacher the first time, but he did great. He looks forward to music class every Wednesday. They play games with their instruments, dance, sing and learn about types of music and languages. They let the parents come for the last 10 minutes of class to watch. So cute! The video I have here is a game they play with different instruments. They listen to various sounds and music on a cd and try to figure out what instrument it is. David's still getting the hang of it. Oh, and sorry it's a little bouncy. It was the best I could do with Steven on my lap. :)


Wild Wild West said...

That boy has rhythm!!

Dad/G said...

Awesome video! David and Steven are going to have so much fun in these clases! I loved the part where David says "hey!" right on beat!

Kyle and Jamie said...

Are you going to Jamie Jensens? If so My daughter went to a class at her house and loved it! I wish I could afford it that would be fun!

Kyle and Jamie said...

Do we live by each other!?

Keri West said...

We live in Kanab. Their teacher is Jill Baird and they love her! Such a great class!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Miss Keri! See! when you don't blog I don't know anything! haha I know exactly what you mean though about the pregnancy "sweeping you up and carrying you away." Boy or girl? I have just under ten weeks left myself. We are SUPER excited! hoping for a girl, but of course we'll absolutely LOVE another stinky little boy! Congrats again! and I'm glad the boys are loving their music classes! It's such fun being a mom and watching how your little one take everything in, eh!

Jenny said...

good timing. I was just about to call and say GET BLOGGING:) Fortunatly I've gotten to see the boys twice this winter so that has helped the delay.
The best part of the video is the "HEY!" haha, I love David- I don't know if he'll be big enough to carry the tuba (susaphone..?) all over the field like james did, maybe a trumpet boy? but yes james, he's got rhythm!