Friday, February 8, 2008

Goodbye Cedar City, Hello Kanab???

Hello everyone! Well, the West family has some very exciting news! James and I will be leaving the small town of Cedar City, Utah and will be moving to the even smaller town of Kanab, Utah! This town is so small it makes Cedar City look like New York City! :) This move might be a shock to most of you, but we are actually very excited. James was offered the Assistant Manager position at a brand new Holiday Inn Express in Kanab. After a week of prayerful thought, we decided this was the right move for us. He will gain great experience that he will definitely be able to use to move up the corporate ladder later on. He will be in charge of Group Sales, breakfast operations and maintenance. The pay is a very good start for a brand new college graduate too. I am so proud of him! I have been offered a job also that will definitely help us make ends meet. I also have a friend there that has offered to help with daycare for David and we've made a few contacts to find a place to live. We have gotten all the balls rolling, now we just have to make the final move in May. James will be graduating from SUU on May 3rd and after a week in Disneyworld with my family... we will begin our new lives in Kanab. If any of you have ever had the desire to see the Grand Canyon or Lake Powell, feel free to stop by and visit us on the way. Hey, you already have a contact at the best hotel in the city!


Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you both! You have a job right out of school! Whew, way to go! Kanab is not the town I thought you would end up, but I'm sure you will have a great experience there and I'm sure it will lead to bigger and better opportunities in the future. I'm thrilled that you both came to this decision together and I wish you all my best in your success together. I look forward to visiting you in beautiful Kanab!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! that is soooo exciting...I can't wait to hear about all your adventures in Kanab.

Jenny said...

I had to squint to see Kanab on the map:) Congrats!! I am very excited for you both- Sam and I actually stopped by Kanab before you did. On our way to the Grand Canyon we got ice cream cones at the local McDonalds. They seemed nice enough. See you soon!